[sync] Sync Problem with Nokia N95 and combined Calendar and Tasks

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Wed Aug 8 09:57:59 UTC 2007


right. Would you change  line 697 of Sync.php from
         return preg_replace('/^calendar/', 'tasks', $databaseURI);

         return preg_replace('/calendar/', 'tasks', $databaseURI);
(i.e.: remove the ^ hat ) and try again?


Hermann Wilken wrote:
> Hi Karsten,
> thank you for your assistance. Now synchronizing works from Horde to the 
> phone, but vice versa results in "Error in adding client entry:No 
> iCalendar data was found." Maybe this has to do with some other 
> settings, I didn't find anything about this error so far.
> Regards, Hermann
> Zitat von Karsten Fourmont <fourmont at gmx.de>:
>> Hi,
>> right. This has been implemented but never tested with a Nokia phone.
>> Fortunately your post contained the relevant hint: Nokia expects the 
>> database name as "./calendar" while P800 uses "calendar" only.
>> Can you please change /framework/SyncML/SyncML/Sync.php as follows:
>> line 158 from
>> if ($GLOBALS['backend']->_normalize($database) == 'calendar' &&
>> to
>> if (stristr($GLOBALS['backend']->_normalize($database), 'calendar') 
>> !== false &&
>> and line 307 from
>> if ($this->_targetLocURI == 'calendar' &&
>> to
>> if (stristr($GLOBALS['backend']->_normalize($this->_targetLocURI), 
>> 'calendar') !== false &&
>> and finally line 674 from
>>        if (strtolower(substr($databaseURI,0,8)) == 'calendar' &&
>> to:
>>        if (stristr($GLOBALS['backend']->_normalize($databaseURI), 
>> 'calendar') !== false &&
>> (afterwards install via install-packages.php)
>> Cheers,
>>  Karsten
>> Hermann Wilken wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> yesterday I finally managed to synchronize my N95 with Horde. I'm 
>>> using latest CVS and also the latest pear SyncML-package. The 
>>> database name is set to "./calendar". Unfortunatly, the tasks are not 
>>> synchronized. I found a thread in the archive, where Karsten told 
>>> about two log entries:
>>> "DEBUG:  created device class SyncML_Device_P800"
>>> and
>>> "DEBUG:  handling tasks in calendar sync"
>>> The fist appears in my log:
>>> DEBUG:  created device class SyncML_Device_Nokia
>>> But I don't find the second.
>>> Any hints?
>>> Thank you for your help.
>>> Regards
>>> Hermann

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