[sync] Backend/Sql.php bug fix; possible Outlook/Funambol server to client fix

Scott Everson scott at spherebuilder.com
Wed Aug 15 17:34:29 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,

I have recently take on integrating the Horde SyncML packages into our CRM.
During the process, I have found a couple of things that might be helpful to
others and upcoming releases.

I am using the Backend/Sql.php and setup my database with the structure
defined in the comment block at top.   After testing, I found that the code
pointed to the wrong column in the syncml_anchors table.  Line 620
(readySyncAnchors() query) refers to 'syncid' and it should be

I also ran into the same problem with Outlook/Funambol not being able to
send data from the Server to the Client.  The client kept telling me garbage
data was received and after some crazy debugging, I found that the server
was sending the raw vcard formatted data, not the crazy sifc format that
Funambol is wanting.   So, I found a quick fix to SyncML/Device/Sync4j.php:
In the convertServer2Client() method, the case statement on $contentType was
failing because it was being given (in the case of a contact)
'text/x-s4j-sifc' when the case was expecting 'text/x-vcard'.  I updated the
case statement to check for the sifc type as well, and now I can receive
contacts!  I am assuming this will work for the other types but I have not
tested this yet.  

case 'text/x-s4j-sifc':
case 'text/x-vcard' :

My guess is that the problem is really at the source -- why is the vcard
data being labeled as sifc data.. Or is the calling method requesting that
sifc data be returned, but the convertServer2Client() is treating
contentType as what is given instead..

Hope you find this helpful,
 -Scott Everson
  Director of Technology
  SphereBuilder, LLC
  303-242-3402 x101

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