[sync] Funambol and outlook

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Tue Aug 21 19:55:26 UTC 2007


right, there's been an issue with funambol 6.0.15: this release features 
device information and so Horde SyncML tries to auto-detect the mime 
type from the device information. That's fine for everything but 
funambol as they use the strange nonstandard types.

I just put a patch into cvs, please test.


Ronan SALMON wrote:
> You were right: 
> - I had  $conf['compress_pages'] set to  'true'.
> - sync doesn't work from horde to outlook but looks like it works the
> other way arround.
> I've attached the logs. There are errors in horde's log file :
> Unsupported Content-Type: text/x-s4j-sifc
> Ronan.
> Le jeudi 09 août 2007 à 09:11 -0400, Jamie McClelland a écrit :
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Thu Aug 09, Ronan SALMON wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can't get the funambol 6.0.14 plugin for outlook 2003 SP2 to sync with
>>> horde. I'm using horde's latest cvs version.
>> I tried a few months ago and was able to get it to work in one direction, but
>> not the other (I think it worked Outlook -> Horde, but not Horde -> Outlook).
>> A lot has changed since then, so you might have better luck.
>> <snip>
>>> 10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Response read:
>>> x??Tmo?0?+(??)?Xe\uehTP?V???H???1
>> ????)O???xq?,?~M??6?19????<Y???????{????`?tOJ?g???"PW]??HiS}#??
>> This could be caused by the compress_pages variable. Try changing your horde
>> conf.php file:
>> $conf['compress_pages'] = true;
>> To:
>> $conf['compress_pages'] = false;
>> jamie
>> - -- 
>> Jamie McClelland
>> 718-303-3204 ext. 101
>> May First/People Link
>> Growing networks to build a just world
>> http://www.mayfirst.org
>> Members Local 1180, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO
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