[sync] Syncing problem on server side

Stefan Gojan bassdscho at gmx.net
Wed Mar 12 16:19:30 UTC 2008



I installed the kolab 2.1 rc1 with horde (I don't find out which version it
is L ) and want to sync this with outlook (funambol 6.5.7). The web
interface work correct. After I installed the packages SOAP and DB


/kolab/bin/pear install --alldeps channel://pear.php.net/SOAP-0.11.0

/kolab/bin/pear install --alldeps PEAR

/kolab/bin/pear install pear/DB


I get this last PHP error which I can't solve:


[11-Mar-2008 22:32:19] PHP Notice:  Unknown: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure
server advertised AUTH=PLAIN (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0

[11-Mar-2008 22:32:23] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method
DB_Error::getOne() in /kolab/lib/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php on line 730


The server log which is generated in the /tmp/sync path is attached. IMHO
horde can't get data out or in the database (I don't know if one is
installed L ). The XML files with the client data looks ok (all data is in
there) for me.



Thanks for help ;)

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