[sync] SyncML status in 3.2-rc3

Eric Persson eric at persson.tm
Wed Apr 2 19:30:53 UTC 2008

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Eric Persson <eric at persson.tm>:
>> The second time, I get somewhat more, found on:
>> http://eric.persson.tm/horde_syncml/funambol_syncml_client_sync2.txt
>> Finally settling with the same "String index out of range: -9". But this
>> time I can see the calendar data in the output.
> Try asking the Funambol folks. The error message is useless, it's not  
> logged as an error, so it might not even be one, and the sync data  
> packages in your log look perfectly valid. I doubt this has anything  
> to do with Horde.
> Jan.

Thank you for your response and for checking my data. I will try to find 
the problem together with funambol people instead.


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