[sync] Using Zafara Z-Push with Horde?

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Fri Apr 4 18:55:55 UTC 2008

We recently tried z-push (http://z-push.sourceforge.net) for pushing 
mail from IMAP to Windows-Mobile devices.
Biggest problem so far was, that you could use just ONE backend (so 
either EMail or contacts or calendar...)

As there is someone working on a Backend supporting all together and has 
somethin to work with already released (in SVN) it's worth to take a 
second look at that piece of software...

Anyone working on that already?
Anyone thinking about it?


software security networks
Lukas Gradl <horde#ssn.at>
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 9
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43-720-300168-0
Fax: +43-720-300168-21

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