[sync] client doesnt add/update a contact in turba

Holger Wegner holger.wegner at hamburg.de
Wed May 28 11:57:03 UTC 2008

I have a problem with the horde syncml. Its CVS Head and current. I am syncing with a HTC smartphone Windows Mobile 5 with a funambol client.
Basicaly it works. The PDC gets all contacts from horde and also the updates.
Now I noticed that the way back, from funambol to horde doesnt work to add or update a contact.
All seems good. In the funambol client log and the horde log. But there is no new or updated contact.
The Horde log writes that there was 1 update or 1 added enty. But it isnt there. What I noticed that in the log I cant find any sql update or insert statements. How can I go on to analyse this?
Here the part of the log where a contact should be added to turba:
May 28 12:26:07 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name, attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id IN (60, 54, 52) [pid 21678 on line 1083 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
May 28 12:26:07 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by Turba_Driver_sql::_search(): SELECT contacts.id, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.title, contacts.department, contacts.birthdate, contacts.phone_home, contacts.phone_mobile, contacts.phone_work, contacts.phone_other, contacts.phone_fax, contacts.email1, contacts.email2, contacts.assistant, contacts.primary_address_street, contacts.primary_address_city, contacts.primary_address_state, contacts.primary_address_postalcode, contacts.primary_address_country, contacts.alt_address_street, contacts.alt_address_city, contacts.alt_address_state, contacts.alt_address_postalcode, contacts.alt_address_country FROM contacts WHERE ((LOWER(contacts.first_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER(contacts.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?))) [pid 21678 on line 166 of "/opt/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Adding client entry to server: already exists with server id 2c2e2ac880a0ed7a7e9e63f4190f1f52 [pid 21678 on line 389 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::_getSuid(): SELECT syncml_suid FROM horde_syncml_map WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND syncml_uid = ? AND syncml_cuid = ?, values: fwm-0C935C03730C0C5584935C03F11800, contacts, holweg, -2147483455 [pid 21678 on line 796 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::createUidMap(): INSERT INTO horde_syncml_map (syncml_suid, syncml_timestamp, syncml_syncpartner, syncml_db, syncml_uid, syncml_cuid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), values: 2c2e2ac880a0ed7a7e9e63f4190f1f52, 0, fwm-0C935C03730C0C5584935C03F11800, contacts, holweg, -2147483455 [pid 21678 on line 764 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Added client entry as 2c2e2ac880a0ed7a7e9e63f4190f1f52 [pid 21678 on line 208 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Received <Final> from client. [pid 21678 on line 51 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Command/Final.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Handle <Final> for state Sync [pid 21678 on line 584 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Creating <Sync> output for server changes in database scard [pid 21678 on line 285 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Created device class SyncML_Device_Sync4j [pid 21678 on line 55 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Device.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Compiling server changes from 2008-05-28 11:49:43 to 2008-05-28 12:25:57 [pid 21678 on line 317 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Sending 0 server changes for client URI scard [pid 21678 on line 360 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Sending <Final> to client [pid 21678 on line 485 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Return message completed [pid 21678 on line 523 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Finished at 2008-05-28 12:26:08. Packet logged in /tmp/sync/server_11.xml [pid 21678 on line 824 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend.php"]
May 28 12:26:08 HORDE [debug] [horde] Max memory usage: 4980736 bytes [pid 21678 on line 334 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Connected to the following memcache servers:localhost:11211 [pid 24262 on line 123 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Memcache.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created [pid 24262 on line 299 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Started at 2008-05-28 12:26:12. Packet logged in /tmp/sync/client_12.xml [pid 24262 on line 816 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Existing session continued: a5730d226fe51e90e3b24e5815533f86 [pid 24262 on line 204 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Command/SyncHdr.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Authenticated: yes; version: 1.1; message ID: 3; source URI: fwm-0C935C03730C0C5584935C03F11800; target URI: https://holoweg.gotdns.org:443/horde/rpc.php; user: holweg; charset: UTF-8; wbxml: no [pid 24262 on line 415 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Received <Final> from client. [pid 24262 on line 51 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Command/Final.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Handle <Final> for state Completed [pid 24262 on line 584 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Sending <Final> to client [pid 24262 on line 485 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::readSyncAnchors(): SELECT syncml_clientanchor, syncml_serveranchor FROM horde_syncml_anchors WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND syncml_uid = ?, values: fwm-0C935C03730C0C5584935C03F11800, contacts, holweg [pid 24262 on line 646 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::writeSyncAnchors(): UPDATE horde_syncml_anchors SET syncml_clientanchor = ?, syncml_serveranchor = ? WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND syncml_uid = ?, values: 1211970286, 1211970357, fwm-0C935C03730C0C5584935C03F11800, contacts, holweg [pid 24262 on line 616 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [info] [horde] Successful sync of database scard. Failures: 0; changes from client (Add, Replace, Delete, AddReplaces): 1, 0, 0, 0; changes from server (Add, Replace, Delete): 0, 0, 0 [pid 24262 on line 666 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
May 28 12:26:12 HORDE [debug] [horde] Finished at 2008-05-28 12:26:12. Packet logged in /tmp/sync/server_12.xml [pid 24262 on line 824 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend.php"]

Thank for Your help

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