[sync] Only mobile numbers syncing from Synthesis

Deryk Piper deryk-lists at mod-soft.com
Thu Jul 24 17:11:45 UTC 2008

Running the following:

- Horde 3.2.1
- Turba 2.2.1
- Kronolith 2.2
- Nag 2.2
- Synthesis SyncML Client STD for Windows Mobile v3.0.2.22 (demo)

It seems that only the mobile phone number is being uploaded from the
device.  The problem appears to be the " X-Synthesis-Ref" in the following,
from data.txt:

TEL;HOME;VOICE;X-Synthesis-Ref1:(123) 456-7890
TEL;WORK;VOICE;X-Synthesis-Ref1:(234) 567-8901
TEL;WORK;VOICE;X-Synthesis-Ref2:(345) 678-9012
TEL;CELL;VOICE;X-Synthesis-Ref1:(456) 789-0123

This fails the elseif() block on line 1584 in turba/lib/driver.php:

                } elseif (count($item['params']) <= 1 ||
                          (count($item['params']) <= 2 &&
                           isset($item['params']['VOICE']))) {

I would think the right answer is to strip out "X-Synthesis-Ref", perhaps in
convertClient2Server() in lib/syncml/device/synthesis.php ???

This is an educated guess - I'll attempt it later and see what happens (I'm
not well-versed in PHP or Horde's inner workings).



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