[sync] Sync with Sony Ericsson P1i

Stefan Gohmann gohmann at univention.de
Sun Aug 24 09:29:05 UTC 2008


if I try to sync my Sony Ericsson P1i with horde-webmail 1.1.1 I got the 
following messages:

==> /var/log/horde/horde3.log <==
Aug 22 07:55:20 HORDE [debug] [horde] Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde 
created [pid 19444 on line 299 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/SyncML/Backend.php"]
Aug 22 07:55:20 HORDE [debug] [horde] Existing session continued: 
85e13cdaea749cd60bd8e5564d14fc3d [pid 19444 on line 204 
of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/SyncML/Command/SyncHdr.php"]
Aug 22 07:55:20 HORDE [debug] [horde] Authenticated: yes; version: 1.2; 
message ID: 2; source URI: IMEI:357033019237023; target URI: 
https://mail.univention.de/horde3/rpc.php; user: gohmann at univention.de; 
charset: UTF-8; wbxml: yes [pid 19444 on line 415 
of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/SyncML.php"]
Aug 22 07:55:20 HORDE [debug] [horde] Max memory usage: 6815744 bytes [pid 
19444 on line 369 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/Registry.php"]

==> /var/log/apache2/access.log <== - - [22/Aug/2008:07:55:20 +0200] "POST /horde3/rpc.php 
HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Symbian SyncMLClient SonyEricssonP1i/R100 
Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1"

==> /var/log/apache2/error.log <==
[Fri Aug 22 07:55:20 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  
Call to a member function addSyncReceived() on a non-object 
in /usr/share/horde3/lib/SyncML/Command/Sync.php on line 264

The sync doesn't start. Any tips?


Stefan Gohmann         Entwicklung              gohmann at univention.de
Univention GmbH        Linux for your Business  fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Mary-Somerville-Str.1  28359 Bremen             fax: +49 421 22 232-99

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