[sync] Request to re-open Bug #6995

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 11 14:42:18 UTC 2008

Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Justin Wainwright <jwain at umd.umich.edu>:
>> Hello,
>> I have tested a number of versions of CVS code against a few  
>> different versions of Funambol sync clients over the past month on  
>> Blackberry devices and it appears that this bug may not be formally  
>> resolved yet.  The problem is specifically with data going from the  
>> Blackberry into Horde.  I've tested this with Funambol clients  
>> 6.6.0, 7.0.0, and the latest, 7.0.7.  The Blackberry is a 8830  
>> running OS v4.2.2.176.
>> The attached data is from a recover operation attempted from the  
>> Blackberry to a clean calendar in Horde- the database ends up only  
>> showing one event, starting and ending on 12-31-1969 at 7pm.   
>> Although the calendar has 11 total events (some recurring, some  
>> not), the sync operation ends up counting up to 7/11 events synced  
>> and then the client claims the operation was successful (and  
>> therefore no log gets created in the funambol client).  No errors  
>> are reported to the php error log either.
>> I just did a CVS update today of all files so the code should be as  
>> current as it gets.
> If you think you have something new to add to this ticket, then  
> please do so in the bug tracker. The only comment (not from you)  
> added after I closed the ticket was not helpful at all.

Oh, and of course it would help if I had a Blackberry for testing :-D


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