[sync] thunderbird, funambol plugin Invavid authantication after successfull auth

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 15:14:58 UTC 2009

In compositeAuth, I change a single line:
$conf['auth']['params']['admin_driver'] = 'ldap_drv';

that was the CAS driver cas_drv before, I don't understand why it
breaks syncml and the exact purpose of admin_driver.

Nevertheless, I can go a step further now


2009/1/6 LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
> Just switching to auth = horde/imp makes it working
> Something is broken in my composite Auth, but where should I look?
> Dom
> 2009/1/5  <lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de>:
>> Zitat von Dominique LALOT <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
>>> Hello and Happy new year!
>>> I  tried to sync thunderbird address book and Horde using funambol:
>>> I have no php error at all. Symptom: the initial request is authenticated
>>> (checking data), but when sending data, authentication is lost
>>> I use compositeAuth. I don't know where to look..
>>> Horde3  groupware webmail 1.2.1
>>> Thanks
>>> Dom
>>> $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'none';
>>> $conf['sessionhandler']['memcache'] = false;
>>> $conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
>>> $conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = true;
>>> $conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
>>> $conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
>>> $conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
>>> $conf['cookie']['path'] = '/horde';
>>> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';
>>> if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {
>>>   function _horde_select_loginscreen() {
>>>      if (preg_match('|^/horde/rpc.php|',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
>>>            return 'ldap_drv';
>>>      }
>>>      return 'cas_drv';
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['driver'] = 'ldap';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['hostspec'] =
>>> 'annu.univ.fr:389';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['basedn'] =
>>> 'ou=people,dc=univ,dc=fr';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['version'] = '3';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['scope'] ='one';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['ad'] = false;
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['uid'] = 'uid';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['encryption'] =
>>> 'plain';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['newuser_objectclass']
>>> = array('supannPerson');
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['objectclass'] =
>>> array('supannPerson');
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['filter_type'] =
>>> 'objectclass';
>>> $conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['ldap_drv']['params']['password_expiration']
>>> = 'no';
>>> DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
>>> DEBUG:  Started at 2009-01-05 14:45:28. Packet logged in
>>> /tmp/sync/client_110.xml
>>> DEBUG:  New session created: 0105142b7ae4d80195cd2bcb2935d7c3
>>> DEBUG:  Checking authentication for user lalot
>>> *DEBUG:  Authenticated: yes;* version: 1.1; message ID: 1; source URI:
>>> fmz-ZqLHfQakX5AAZpKHqcPxDg==; target URI:
>>> http://hordetest.univ.fr/horde/rpc.php; user: lalot; charset: UTF-8; wbxml:
>>> no
>>> DEBUG:  SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::readSyncAnchors(): SELECT
>>> syncml_clientanchor, syncml_serveranchor FROM horde_syncml_anchors WHERE
>>> syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND syncml_uid = ?, values:
>>> fmz-ZqLHfQakX5AAZpKHqcPxDg==, contacts, lalot
>>> DEBUG:  No info about previous syncs found for device
>>> fmz-ZqLHfQakX5AAZpKHqcPxDg== and database card
>>> DEBUG:  Creating SyncML_Sync object for database card; sync type 201
>>> DEBUG:  Received <Final> from client.
>>> DEBUG:  Handle <Final> for state Init
>>> DEBUG:  Sending <Final> to client
>>> DEBUG:  Return message completed
>>> DEBUG:  Finished at 2009-01-05 14:45:28. Packet logged in
>>> /tmp/sync/server_110.xml
>>> DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
>>> DEBUG:  Started at 2009-01-05 14:45:34. Packet logged in
>>> /tmp/sync/client_111.xml
>>> DEBUG:  New session created: 0105142b7ae4d80195cd2bcb2935d7c3
>>> *DEBUG:  Invalid authentication*
>>> DEBUG:  Authenticated: no; version: 1.1; message ID: 2; source URI:
>>> fmz-ZqLHfQakX5AAZpKHqcPxDg==; target URI:
>>> http://hordetest.univ.fr/horde/rpc.php; user: ; charset: UTF-8; wbxml: no
>>> DEBUG:  Received <Final> from client.
>>> DEBUG:  Sending <Final> to client
>>> DEBUG:  Session completed and closed
>>> DEBUG:  Finished at 2009-01-05 14:45:34. Packet logged in
>>> /tmp/sync/server_111.xml
>>> User-Agent: Funambol Mozilla Plugin v0.7
>> The Mozilla Funambol based Plugin is "experimental" and in fact it does not
>> work very well. Maybe there is some more debug info in the plugin log. You
>> can check the log in Options --> Log --> View.
>> Regards
>> Andreas
>> --
>> sync mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#sync
>> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
>> To unsubscribe, mail: sync-unsubscribe at lists.horde.org
> --
> Dominique LALOT
> Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser?uid=lalot

Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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