[sync] horde_histories and kronolith

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 17:01:56 UTC 2009

Thanks Andreas

My feedback:
I had a bad value id in horde_histories_seq

tracing the code, I put a trace in lib/Horde/History.php

            $r = $this->_write_db->query('INSERT INTO horde_histories
(history_id, object_uid, history_ts, history_who, history_desc,
history_action, history_extra)' .
                              ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $values);
            if (is_a($r, 'PEAR_Error')) {
                $entry = sprintf('tracedom Could not log to
Horde_History. Error returned: %s', $r->getMessage());
                Horde::logMessage($entry." ".serialize($values) ,
                return $r;

There was just a return and no error in the log!  (I should send a patch..)

Jan 09 17:26:03 HORDE [error] [turba] tracedom Could not log to
Horde_History. Error returned: DB Error: constraint violation
a:7:{i:0;i:1003;i:1;s:91:"turba:adbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39:20090109165121.22822xao0r0s66io at hordetest.univmed.fr";i:2;i:1231518363;i:3;s:5:"lalot";i:4;N;i:5;s:6:"modify";i:6;N;}
[pid 23537 on line 222 of

and trying the values manualy

testDom:/var/www/perso/horde# mysql horde < test.sql
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry '1005' for key 1

Which is better than constraint violation!

I looked at the last good value and increment that value. I haven't
try to sync again, but it should be better now!


2009/1/9  <lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de>:
> Zitat von LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> We have some some difficulties to sync data from horde kronolith to
>> clients.
>> It seems, that syncing is using horde_histories table asking for
>> records since last sync
>> But I've discovered that horde_histories has no data from kronolith.
>> We can see fresh logs from turba but nothing from kronolith.
>> I'm not sure to understand the way it works. If data is added manually
>> to calendar, should we get a new "add" in horde_histories?
>> If yes, what could be the reason why we have no records?
>> (seems there is no raiseerror on history->log ..)
> Yes, you should have entries for kronolith events in horde_histories. What
> versions of Horde/Turba/Kronolith do you use? What is the output of
> horde/test.php?
> If you have a updated installation be sure to check the database schema
> against the most recent sql-scripts.
> Regards
> Andreas
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Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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