[sync] I'm writing a funambol connetor for horde

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Mon Jan 12 11:51:06 UTC 2009

Alle lunedì 12 gennaio 2009, lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de ha scritto:
> But it would have more benefit for Horde users to improve the SyncML
> part of Horde :-)
sure, but even a funambol connector is not a bad gift for horde community!

> ... Horde provide all sort of API calls...
I should access those functionalities by web, as funambol is java stuff.

> You may get the desired info with the "horde_histories" tables

> So you want to use the Funambol Server as SyncML Gateway to Horde?
yes sir!

> It may work but is a ongoing work as the internal database structures
> may change in the future.
it's reasonable, but I'm required to support a given version of horde and not 
the latest one. Sure if I could get webservice api or something like that, 
the connector will work in the future too.

> ..i still fail to see why it should be easier for
> Horde users to get and configure a additional component (Funambol)
> against using built in SyncML?
Funambol has a platform for managing mobiles: it allows clustering and 
push-email via CTP and STP, more than one back-end for storage data (eg. I 
can use the same funambol server both with horde, caldav, ldap, exchange. On 
mobile I configure one syncml server and I should only set the datasource to 
point to a different backend).

> Is the Horde SyncML Support really so 
> bad that we need a external Proxy or are there additional benefits i
> fail to see?
see before. Moreover Funambol is fully compatible with funambol clients ;) and 
with tonns of mobile phones. It provides synclet (aka if you got problem with 
some phones, you can write up your pluggable custom parser).
As I read from funambol/horde ml, horde syncml is not enterprise ready. 

Thx for your answer+Peace,


Roberto Polli
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
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Roberto Polli
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
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