[sync] N95 Syncing

Rafael Neves Harff rafael at nit10.com.br
Wed Feb 11 11:56:26 UTC 2009

Thanks for the help in setting my N95 phone. Now it works.

I only have two questions:

1) When I insert an "activity" in my calendar it isn't synced to Horde? 
How can I do this? (maybe the name of the appointment is different in 
other languages).
2) I have set syncronization of "Notes" (remote database: Notes) but I 
don't know what is beeing synced. when I insert a note in Horde and sync 
the phone I see that the Note is be synced.

Thanks for the halp once again... and sorry about my poor english.


Rafael Neves Harff
Consultor de TI

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