[sync] Suffix in contact name not syncing correctly

Marcel Samek msamek at machinimamagic.com
Thu May 14 17:06:39 UTC 2009


So apparently by having configured the turba fields to parallel  
Outlook (as described in the doc on the wiki) I broke some of the  

My primary goal is to get the best possible syncing between the iphone  
(right now using the synthesis client because I haven't found anything  
else) and turba.

Would you recommend that I revert to a default turba configuration, or  
is there a better way for me to move forward? I haven't deployed my  
horde insallation to a wide group of people, so going back is not a  
big deal.



Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Marcel Samek <msamek at machinimamagic.com>:
>> When syncing contacts using the Synthesis client on the iphone, I   
>> noticed that the "suffix" did not sync correctly from the client to  
>>  the server.
>> I am running horde 3.3.5-cvs and turba 2.3.2-cvs.
>> From data.txt in /tmp/sync, here is an example: The string "(AWE   
>> Games)" gets lost.
>> Input received from client (text/x-vcard):
>> VERSION:2.1^M
>> REV:20090402T113019^M
>> N:Wheeler;James;;;(AWE Games)^M
>> FN:James Wheeler (AWE Games)^M
>> TITLE:President / Executive Producer^M
>> ORG:AWE Productions, Inc.;^M
>> TEL;VOICE;CELL;X-Synthesis-Ref0:(954) 448-1645^M
>> TEL;WORK;VOICE;X-Synthesis-Ref1:(954) 835-9199^M
>> EMAIL;WORK;INTERNET;X-Synthesis-Ref0:wheeler at awegames.com^M
>> URL;PREF;X-Synthesis-Ref0:http://www.awegames.com^M
>> ADR;WORK;X-Synthesis-Ref0:;15970 West State Road 84, Suite 312;AWE Games;^M
>> Weston;FL;33326;^M
>> BDAY:^M
> You need a nameSuffix field in your address book.
> Jan.
> -- 
> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
> http://horde.org/consulting/

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