[sync] https://site/horde/rpc.php through a load balancer

LALOT Dominique dom.lalot at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 13:59:00 UTC 2009


I would like to get this working:

              https                                                   http
Client ------>Load balancer (apache)---->Real server

If I do that, I get two TCP sessions:
One https
then One http

If I try in http mode: only one session.

I have no visibility on the first https sesssion (crypted), so it's not esay
the sea what is going wrong.
In horde/config/conf.php, I keep with normal httpd, just saying that my
hostname is the load balancer and that a cookie is added to keep in touch
with one server behind.
Is there internally a construction of an absolute URL  and a location to
redirect somewhere?

I know I can crypt behind, but it's wasting CPU.

Thanks in advance

Dominique LALOT
Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux

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