[sync] Problems syncing with funambol clients

Remko Muis remko at familiemuis.net
Wed Aug 12 14:11:07 UTC 2009

Hi Jan,

The problem is solved. I used the wrong URL as Location. I have Apache 
set to rewrite horde.mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com/horde. Using the 
first as the location of rpc.php in the Funambol plugins does not work, 
whereas the second does. So basically my problem is solved.

Any idea why I can't get anything logged?


Jan Schneider schreef:
> Zitat von Remko Muis <remko at familiemuis.net>:
>> So: unless you can explain of why CONTENT_TYPE is not set to some 
>> mime type, I'm stuck...
> No idea, but this has nothing to do with Horde then. This is either a 
> problem of  or your web server.
> Jan.

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