[sync] Nokia 6267 calendar sync

Heiner Markert mephisto at gmx.net
Sun Sep 20 18:42:12 UTC 2009


when trying to sync my Nokia 6267 with Horde (version 3.3), after 
connecting to the horde server, the phone states "no data transmission 
possible", and syncronisation stops. No php errors occur.
/tmp/sync/log.txt states:

DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG:  Started at 2009-09-20 20:27:52. Packet logged in 
DEBUG:  New session created: 438ad04b733b873aef999ce2c22b616c
DEBUG:  Checking authentication for user hmarkert
DEBUG:  Authenticated: yes; version: 1.1; message ID: 1; source URI: 
IMEI:xxxx; target URI: https://kolab.DOMAIN/client/rpc.php; user: USER; 
charset: UTF-8; wbxml: yes
DEBUG:  SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::eraseMap(): DELETE FROM 
horde_syncml_map WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND 
syncml_uid = ?, values: IMEI:355539013613938, calendar, USER
DEBUG:  Creating SyncML_Sync object for database calendar; sync type 201
DEBUG:  Received <Final> from client.
DEBUG:  Handle <Final> for state Init
DEBUG:  Sending <Final> to client
DEBUG:  Return message completed
DEBUG:  Finished at 2009-09-20 20:27:52. Packet logged in 

I replaced the server domain name with DOMAIN, the imei number with 
xxxxx and the users email address with USER.

Any help is very appreciated!

Thank you and best regards
Heiner Markert

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