[sync] Nokia 6267 calendar sync

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Mon Sep 21 12:20:02 UTC 2009

Zitat von Heiner Markert <mephisto at gmx.net>:

> Hello,
> when trying to sync my Nokia 6267 with Horde (version 3.3), after  
> connecting to the horde server, the phone states "no data  
> transmission possible", and syncronisation stops. No php errors occur.
> /tmp/sync/log.txt states:
> DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
> DEBUG:  Started at 2009-09-20 20:27:52. Packet logged in  
> /tmp/sync/client_10.wbxml
> DEBUG:  New session created: 438ad04b733b873aef999ce2c22b616c
> DEBUG:  Checking authentication for user hmarkert
> DEBUG:  Authenticated: yes; version: 1.1; message ID: 1; source URI:  
> IMEI:xxxx; target URI: https://kolab.DOMAIN/client/rpc.php; user:  
> USER; charset: UTF-8; wbxml: yes
> DEBUG:  SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::eraseMap(): DELETE FROM  
> horde_syncml_map WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND syncml_db = ? AND  
> syncml_uid = ?, values: IMEI:355539013613938, calendar, USER
> DEBUG:  Creating SyncML_Sync object for database calendar; sync type 201
> DEBUG:  Received <Final> from client.
> DEBUG:  Handle <Final> for state Init
> DEBUG:  Sending <Final> to client
> DEBUG:  Return message completed
> DEBUG:  Finished at 2009-09-20 20:27:52. Packet logged in  
> /tmp/sync/server_10.wbxml
> I replaced the server domain name with DOMAIN, the imei number with  
> xxxxx and the users email address with USER.
> Any help is very appreciated!
> Thank you and best regards
> Heiner Markert

According to the Horde logs all went fine, so the question is why the  
phone complains. Have you try a full (slow) sync or is this a repeated  
attempt? Do you actually have something to sync and do you have  
choosen in Horde which addressbook to use when syncing? For more on  
this topic see :



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