[sync] Patch for allDayEvents: write UTC DateTime for DTSTART and DTEND

Arvid Requate requate at univention.de
Fri Oct 2 10:01:14 UTC 2009


the attached Patch addresses an issue with the representation of DTSTART and 
DTEND in the SyncML Data for allDayEvents:

The attached sync debug output (server_14_conv.xml) shows that allDayEvents 
the DTSTART an DTEND of allDayEvents are lacking the trailing "Z", which 
probably will cause the dates to be interpreted as local time instead of UTC 
time, probably bypassing the convertUTC2LocalTime call in 
SyncML_Device::convertServer2Client and finally leading to a wrong 
interpretation by SyncML clients.

Arvid Requate

Arvid Requate
Open Source Software Engineer

Univention GmbH
Linux for your business
28359 Bremen
Tel. : +49 421 22232-0
Fax : +49 421 22232-99

requate at univention.de

Geschäftsführer: Peter H. Ganten
HRB 20755 Amtsgericht Bremen
Steuer-Nr.: 71-597-02876 
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Name: alldayevent_dtstart_dtend.patch
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URL: <http://lists.horde.org/archives/sync/attachments/20091002/f99e4a88/attachment-0001.bin>

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