[sync] [error] [horde] contacts/list or contacts/listBy failed while retrieving server additions:Invalid address book:

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at dada.net
Tue Jan 26 13:25:27 UTC 2010


I recently got a Droid and I wanted to synch it with my Horde Address Book.  The only way to do this seemed to be by exporting the address book as a .vcf file containing all the contacts and importing it from the SD Card - this worked well.  So far so good.  Then I discovered a Funambol client and since I have a Funambol server installed as well as Horde, I decided to use that for synching regular changes - the Funambol server is set to use imap for login credentials and I assumed any changes I made on the phone would end up in Horde by going through Funambol.  This didn't happen.

Even worse - two contacts went haywire, and I ended up with 2 contacts with nothing in it except the birth date (and these we duplicates, i.e. the real contact was there in addition to the contact with no name and just the birth date).  These two kept replicating to the server and back, no matter how many times I deleted them and so my address book eventually grew from 72 contacts to little over 3500 in the course of a weekend - clearly I needed to start from scratch.  I deleted all the contacts from the phone and turned off all syncing.  I then consolidated the information in a CSV export and reimported the address book into Horde.

Now with my old phone (which was synching with Horde and Funambol with its built in Syncml client), I am getting the following error in the logs:

Jan 26 13:07:22 HORDE [error] [horde] contacts/list or contacts/listBy failed while retrieving server additions:Invalid address book: e55b7e6093
bc47e66f4d8e49d5d6151d [pid 4920 on line 177 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]

How can I correct this?  The phone is reporting an invalid username and password, but I've checked that - and anyway, it's logging in just fine.

Jan 26 12:41:44 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for x at y.com [] to {localhost:143 [imap/notls]} [pid 24902 on line 307
 of "/usr/share/horde3/imp/lib/Session.php"]

Ideally what I want is to be able to sync the Horde contacts directly with the Funambol server - without going through a Device or Client.  Is this possible?  If not, how can I correct the error I am getting?  In this way, I could use my phone to clean the extraneous data in the Funambol store.  (Alternatively, if someone knows how to purge that, that would work too - since I can't find a way to do that either).

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


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