[sync] Horde Synchronization with Blackberry at 9000

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Thu Jul 22 08:53:14 UTC 2010

Zitat von Indhran <indhran at oscc.org.my>:

> Good day,
> Im using the latest horde webmail edition 1.2.6. Trying to sync the  
> horde contacts with blackberry at 9000 using Funambol blackberry sync  
> 8.5.2 and it failed.
> No data is present upon synchronization. Other items- Calendar, task  
> and notes were successfully synced and data present.
> But no logs found and can you plz suggest on where to find the logs  
> and how to perform the contacts synchronization?

You should try to start here:


and try to get a clean problem report if it does not work




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