[sync] Sync problem

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Thu Sep 30 13:56:44 UTC 2010

> Zitat von Joe Greco <jgreco at ns.sol.net>:
> >> Does the contact information (output received/output converted) in
> >> data.txt look sane?
> >
> > Yes, it seemed fine, both for the affected entries and the ones around
> > them (which were added fine).
> >
> >> Also search for "Maximum message size" in the sync log.
> >
> > Ok, I see some
> >
> > horde.log:Sep 24 07:24:11 HORDE [debug] [horde] Maximum message size  
> > 50000 approached during add; current size: 43348 [pid 84161 on line  
> > 501 of "/${redacted}/horde/lib/SyncML/Sync.php"]
> > horde.log:Sep 24 07:25:25 HORDE [debug] [horde] Maximum message size  
> > 50000 approached during add; current size: 42711 [pid 84161 on line  
> > 501 of "/${redacted}/horde/lib/SyncML/Sync.php"]
> > log.txt:DEBUG:  Maximum message size 50000 approached during add;  
> > current size: 8883
> > log.txt:DEBUG:  Maximum message size 50000 approached during add;  
> > current size: 22267
> >
> > 22 instances in each log file.
> >
> > These appear to be individual records that aren't making it, then?
> No, this is splitting up large amounts of data into several messages  
> (packets). Did you look *around* those messages?

No, because it was like 4AM and I just wanted to make sure I actually 
replied...  and because...

> Are there other error  
> messages or warnings, specifically like "Item will not be sent"?

... I figured knowing where you were going with that would be useful.
That seems to be the magic string-to-grep-for.

Yes, there are "item will not be sent" messages, but only 7 in each of
those logs.  That *looks* more or less consistent with what I think I
am missing from the phone, and the approximate number of images that
are probably squeaky-close to or exceed 50KB when base64 encoded.

DEBUG:  Sending add from server: 20100626111600.14284swfjbo5uke8@${foo}

[I haven't figured out how to translate those ID's to something that I
can retrieve for debugging.]

DEBUG:  Sending add from server: 20100225132336.16265hxx2q0vkz7c@${foo}
DEBUG:  Maximum message size 50000 approached during add; current size: 28121
WARNING:Data item won't fit into a single message. Partial sending not implemented yet. Item will not be sent!
DEBUG:  Sending add from server: 20100331071823.178223fcnt1jxea7@${foo}
DEBUG:  Maximum message size 50000 approached during add; current size: 28121

Now I see in the code that this is probably something that ought to be
handled more gracefully:

                        /* @todo: implement partial sending instead of
			 * dropping item! */

And my impression is that this is because the attached picture for the
contact is too big, is that probably right?

If so, my thinking goes, limiting picture size when inserting is a bit
of a quick fix, but not really correct since a syncml client can use a
smaller max message size that would hose up any particular constant
value one might select.

It seems obvious why reporting such errors in a user-visible way is
problematic, so we don't need to go there.

Is "partial sending" in this context intended to mean sending a contact
as more than one message, or does it mean truncating the contact so
that it does all fit in one message?  If it means the latter, it might
almost be interesting to see if there would be a way to resize the image
so that it fit in the message, though that opens a new can of worms of

I guess I could dig in and see if the syncml stuff is comprehensible to
me, but I'm not a great PHP coder.

I would also be willing to offer a bribe in the form of (reimbursement
for) a case of beer or something like that to any developer who had a 
desire to work on this and just needed an incentive; anyone who's
interested can talk to me about specifics such as level of drunkenness

My main concern is that as it stands, there's no warning to users that
stuff they add won't be exported correctly via sync, and simply dropping
the whole record is a bit of a disaster.  I think I have to find some 
way to address this.  I could live with the image being dropped or being
replaced with an error image or something.

Thanks for your help so far.  It's awesome to be able to keep a highly
accessible contact database.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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