[sync] SyncML Session Question

Logan Owen logan.owen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 01:37:20 UTC 2011


I am using the git HEAD version of Horde, and am having problems using
SyncML.  My device (an Android using the Funambol client) sends two
messages.  The first one authorizes itself, but the second one fails as
being unauthorized.

I believe I have traced the problem to a session problem.  The
SyncML_State is not being saved and retrieved correctly.  I think the
problem is because the client does not use regular HTTP sessions
(storing cookies, etc), but rather holds the session in the body of the
message.  I believe that this is what is causing the problem.  I get
stuck trying to trace how sessions are handled internally in Horde. 
Additionally, the session is being rekeyed by checkAuthorization() when
it calls Horde_Core_Factory_Auth->authenticate().

Any guidance in the correct way to override SESSION ->setup() so that it
associates multiple client requests with the same SessionId to the same
Horde_Session would be greatly appreciated.


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