[sync] Hack to enable Funambol 6.5 to sync with Horde 4

Christian Bomhardt horde at bomhardt.de
Tue Nov 15 20:59:54 UTC 2011


in the meantime, I patched my Horde 4 and now I am able to sync at least 
from Server to Phone (this is the only direction I use). IMHO, Horde 4 
sync is not yet as good as 3.x was  - at least I found several issues. 
My patch is probably not the most elegant, but at least with as less 
changes as possible - if the  corrections don't make it into the offical 
codeline, i don't have to re-apply too many corrections after update...

Maybe this helps someone - it took me quite a few weeks to figure this 

Kind Regards,

Fixes required in ../PEAR/Horde/Syncml/Device/*Sync4j.php*
Adjust *vevent2sif* to not die in case of more than one component:

             //Added code - in case of multiple, take first one and log 
related entry - not perfect, but working
             $content = $components[0];
             Horde::logMessage('Sync4j:vevent2sif: multiple components ! 
' . $vcard,'ERR');

             //OLD CODE
             // @TODO: NEVER use die() in a library.
             // die("Multiple components found; only one is supported.");

Add lines to *convertServer2Client:*
     public function convertServer2Client($content, $contentType, $database)
         $database = $GLOBALS['backend']->normalize($database);

//cbo ADDED
        if(substr($contentType,0,14) == 'text/x-s4j-sif')
           $l = "\nOutput converted for Funambol client 
($contentType):\n" . $content . "\n";
$GLOBALS['backend']->logFile(Horde_SyncMl_Backend::LOGFILE_DATA, $l);
           return array(base64_encode($content),$contentType,'b64');

These fixes are required to be able to return Funambol Data from APIs 
and improve (still not perfect) behavior of conversion in some special 
situations (for me, only 1 / xxxx calendar entries produced this issue)

All remaining fixes in lib/API of corresponding applications to return 
Funambol supported content in export function.

*MNemo (Notes):*
Add method getChanges() (copied from Turba, and works perfect) to 

      * Method for obtaining all server changes between two timestamps. 
      * a wrapper around listBy(), but returns an array containing all adds,
      * edits and deletions.
      * @param integer $start             The starting timestamp
      * @param integer $end               The ending timestamp.
      * @return array  An hash with 'add', 'modify' and 'delete' arrays.
     public function getChanges($start, $end)
         return array('add' => $this->listBy('add', $start, null, $end),
                      'modify' => $this->listBy('modify', $start, null, 
                      'delete' => $this->listBy('delete', $start, null, 

Enhance export function:
Add new switch statement:
        switch ($contentType) {
         case 'text/x-s4j-sifn':
             $a=array('Body' => $memo['body'],'Categories' => 
              'Subject' => Mnemo_Driver::getMemoDescription($memo['body']));
             return Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::array2sif($a, '<note>', 

In fucntion export:
             $version = '3.0';
             list($contentType,) = explode(';', $contentType);
             switch ($contentType) {
             case 'text/x-vcard':
                 $version = '2.1';
*==>insert after this line (in case your mobile supports different 
fields, adjust accordingly)*
             case 'text/x-s4j-sifc': //###cbo

                 $attributes = array();
                 foreach ($result->objects as $object)
                     foreach ($cfgSources[$source]['map'] as $field => 
                        $attributes[$field] = $object->getValue($field);
                  $a=array('Anniversary' => 
                  'AssistantName' => '',
                  'AssistantTelephoneNumber' => '',
                  'Birthday' => $object->getValue('birthday'),
                  'Body' => '',
                  'Business2TelephoneNumber' => '',
                  'BusinessAddressCity' => $object->getValue('workCity'),
                  'BusinessAddressCountry' => 
                  'BusinessAddressPostalCode' => 
                  'BusinessAddressState' => 
                  'BusinessAddressStreet' => 
                  'BusinessFaxNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'BusinessTelephoneNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'CarTelephoneNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'Categories' => $object->getValue('category'),
                  'Children' => '',
                  'CompanyMainTelephoneNumber' => '',
                  'CompanyName' => $object->getValue('company'),
                  'CustomerID' => '',
                  'Department' => $object->getValue('department'),
                  'Email1Address' => $object->getValue('workEmail'),
                  'Email2Address' => $object->getValue('email'),
                  'Email3Address' => '',
                  'FileAs' => $object->getValue('name'),
                  'FirstName' => $object->getValue('firstname'),
                  'GovernmentIDNumber' => '',
                  'Home2TelephoneNumber' => '',
                  'HomeAddressCity' => $object->getValue('homeCity'),
                  'HomeAddressCountry' => $object->getValue('homeCountry'),
                  'HomeAddressPostalCode' => 
                  'HomeAddressState' => '',
                  'HomeAddressStreet' => $object->getValue('homeStreet'),
                  'HomeFaxNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'HomeTelephoneNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'IM2Address' => '',
                  'IM3Address' => '',
                  'IMAddress' => '',
                  'JobTitle' => $object->getValue('title'),
                  'LastName' => $object->getValue('lastname'),
                  'ManagerName' => '',
                  'MiddleName' => '',
                  'MobileTelephoneNumber' => str_replace('/',' 
                  'NickName' => '',
                  'OfficeLocation' => '',
                  'OtherAddressCity' => '',
                  'OtherAddressCountry' => '',
                  'OtherAddressPostalCode' => '',
                  'OtherAddressState' => '',
                  'OtherAddressStreet' => '',
                  'PagerNumber' => '',
                  'Photo' => '',
                  'RadioTelephoneNumber' => '',
                  'Spouse' => $object->getValue('spouse'),
                  'Suffix' => $object->getValue('nameSuffix'),
                  'Title' => $object->getValue('title'),
                  'WebPage' => $object->getValue('website'),
                  'YomiCompanyName' => '',
                  'YomiFirstName' => '',
                  'YomiLastName' => '',
                  return Horde_SyncMl_Device_sync4j::array2sif($a,'<?xml 


Add to function export addtional case:

         case 'text/x-s4j-sift': //cbo ###
             // Create the new iCalendar container.
             $iCal = new Horde_Icalendar($version);
             $iCal->setAttribute('PRODID', '-//The Horde Project//Nag ' 
. $GLOBALS['registry']->getVersion() . '//EN');
             $iCal->setAttribute('METHOD', 'PUBLISH');

             // Create new vTodo object.
             $vTodo = $task->toiCalendar($iCal);
             $vTodo->setAttribute('VERSION', $version);



Add to function export addtional case:

         switch ($contentType)
         case 'text/x-s4j-sife': //cbo ###
             $iCal = new Horde_Icalendar('2.0');
             // Create a new vEvent.

             return $calStr;

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