[sync] solved with workaround (Re: how to debug activesync "connection" problems)

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Thu Mar 29 07:09:55 UTC 2012


Am 22.02.2012 18:49, schrieb Ralf Lang:
> Am 22.02.2012 14:05, schrieb Stephan Lauffer:
>> Hi all!
>> Am 21.02.2012 23:16, schrieb Stephan Lauffer:
>>> Hi!
>>> Am 21.02.2012 19:13, schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>>>> Quoting Stephan Lauffer <lauffer at ph-freiburg.de>:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> I try to eval and test the ActiveSync part in horde. Therefore I have
>>>>> a 4.0.13 horde environment (groupware... imp) on a apache2-2.2.12 with
>>>>> php5-5.2.14.
>> [...]
>> We used the apache from SLES11SP1 and this seems to fail. The lighttpd
>> from their distribution is working.
>> (A more recent version of Apache from openSUSE-12.1 worked, too.)
>> So I would just leave this note here if somebody else is trying to use
>> sles11sp1 with apache... if somebody get it working with their apache
>> please let me know.
>> We will test the upcomming sles11sp2 and leave a note here in this
>> thread.
> Note thate SLES11SP2 finally ships PHP 5.3. Some legacy apps might need
> explicit config settings that were implicit defaults before.

Short note: SLES11SP2 comes with php-5.2.14 and php-5.3.8 so you have 
the choice...

Freundliche Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer

[ University of Education Freiburg - Germany ]
[ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/             ]
[ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486           ]

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