[sync] ActiveSync issues

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Aug 13 00:21:21 UTC 2013

Quoting Ivan kouvykov <ivan at kouvykov.com>:

> It turned out that my box CPU is big-endian while data in blob is  
> little-endian. Once I changed endianness in unpack format calendars  
> started syncing.

So, did you do something like this in php?

function isLittleEndian() {
     $testint = 0x00FF;
     $p = pack('S', $testint);
     return $testint===current(unpack('v', $p));

function chbo($num) {
     $data = dechex($num);
     if (strlen($data) <= 2) {
         return $num;
     $u = unpack("H*", strrev(pack("H*", $data)));
     $f = hexdec($u[1]);
     return $f;

if (!isLittleEndian()) {
   $data = chbo($timezoneblob)?

If not, how did you change endianness so I can add it upstream....

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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