[sync] More than one email address per contact in ActiveSync

Marcel Selhorst horde at selhorst.net
Mon Nov 11 14:51:41 UTC 2013


>> active sync and if yes what is the logik for mapping these to the  
>> Turba workEmail, homeEmail and email aatributes?
> EAS has support for three address fields: email1address,  
> email2address, and email3address. They are automatically converted as:
> 'email' -> email1address
> 'homeEmail' -> email2address
> 'workEmail' -> email3address

I am running Turba 4.1.3 (on ActiveSync enabled Horde 5.1.3).
When adding or modifying a contact, I only have one E-Mail address  
field in Turba and I haven't found an option to configure / add more  
E-Mail addresses. How do I access the additional fields 'homeEmail'  
and 'workEmail'?


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