[sync] More than one email address per contact in ActiveSync

Marcel Selhorst horde at selhorst.net
Sun Nov 17 10:22:12 UTC 2013


>> How do I access the additional fields 'homeEmail' and 'workEmail'?
> You need to properly configure Turba to use these fields. See  
> turba/config/backends.php.

Thank you! After correctly configuring homeEmail and workEmail in my  
backends.php, syncing of multiple E-Mails works now. Also, after  
modifying the search array to:

     'search' => array(

looking up addresses within Turba works fine.
However, I can't get IMP to autocomplete these new fields when  
composing new messages - only 'email' is used.

It seems this is already known as http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/10913

Am I missing something or is there a workaround?


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