[sync] Attachments not downloading on WP8.1

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Sep 16 14:04:43 UTC 2015

Quoting Ivan Kouvykov <ivan at kouvykov.com>:

> Hello,
> When I try to download attachment from WP8.1 device (Lumia 920) it  
> can’t get it to device (Downloading… → Download Incomplete).
> ActiveSync and Horde logs attached.
> Kindest regards,
> Ivan Kouvykov
>  <mailto:ivan at kouvykov.com> ivan at kouvykov.com

I don't have a 8.1 device to test, only a 8.0 - which works as  
expected. The log you provided doesn't show any obvious errors. Please  
verify that you are running the most recent packages for  
Horde_ActiveSync and Horde_Core, as there were some recent stream  
filter related fixes that could have caused your symptoms on certain  
versions of PHP.

The Horde Project
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Name: smime.p7s
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URL: <http://lists.horde.org/archives/sync/attachments/20150916/15ff3514/attachment.bin>

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