[sync] How to handle "there is no policy for this device" provision response

John Bieling john.bieling at gmx.de
Sun Nov 19 14:10:21 UTC 2017


I am the developer of the TbSync Thunderbird Add-On (EAS Sync provider). 
I am not sure how to handle the following EAS response from Horde upon a 
provision request.

This is what I send (EAS v14.0):

< Provision xmlns='Provision'>
< Policies>
< Policy>
< PolicyType>MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML</PolicyType>
< /Policy>
< /Policies>
< /Provision>

This is what I get back:

< Provision xmlns='Provision'>
< Status>1</Status>
< Policies>
< Policy>
< Status>2</Status>
< /Policy>
< /Policies>
< /Provision>

So this is not a fail, because the main status is 1. However I do not 
get a policy key because there is no policy for this device (status 2). 
What is the correct way to handle this? If I disable provision for this 
account altogether, I will never ask for a policy key again. So if the 
horde admin does set up a profile for this device at some later point, I 
will simply not get it (because I am not asking).

If I do not disable provisioning, I will have to ask for a key on every 
single request because I do not have one, which will create additional 

Is there a third option, which I did not see?

If I run with disabled provision and the admin later enables it, will 
Horde send HTTP error 449 (request for new provision)?

Thanks for your time

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