[sync] How to handle "there is no policy for this device" provision response

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Nov 24 19:45:50 UTC 2017

Quoting John Bieling <john.bieling at gmx.de>:

> Hi,
> I am the developer of the TbSync Thunderbird Add-On (EAS Sync  
> provider). I am not sure how to handle the following EAS response  
> from Horde upon a provision request.
> This is what I send (EAS v14.0):
> < Provision xmlns='Provision'>
> < Policies>
> < Policy>
> < PolicyType>MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML</PolicyType>
> < /Policy>
> < /Policies>
> < /Provision>
> This is what I get back:
> < Provision xmlns='Provision'>
> < Status>1</Status>
> < Policies>
> < Policy>
> < Status>2</Status>
> < /Policy>
> < /Policies>
> < /Provision>
> So this is not a fail, because the main status is 1. However I do  
> not get a policy key because there is no policy for this device  
> (status 2). What is the correct way to handle this? If I disable  
> provision for this account altogether, I will never ask for a policy  
> key again. So if the horde admin does set up a profile for this  
> device at some later point, I will simply not get it (because I am  
> not asking).
> If I do not disable provisioning, I will have to ask for a key on  
> every single request because I do not have one, which will create  
> additional traffic.
> Is there a third option, which I did not see?
> If I run with disabled provision and the admin later enables it,  
> will Horde send HTTP error 449 (request for new provision)?
> Thanks for your time
> John,
> -- 
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Hi John,

You are thinking about provisioning backwards. The provisioning  
request from the client should only happen in response to the server  
actually asking for one. This is done, depending on EAS version either  
by sending a HTTP 449 header, or by sending an appropriate status code  
indicating the reasoning for the provision requirement.

You should read the official spec document MS-ASPROV.pdf, especially  
section 4 which shows an example of the communication back and forth  
from the client during provisioning.

The Horde Project
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