[sync] Using activesync with git version of horde: RESOLVED

Mike barjunk at attglobal.net
Sat Oct 16 15:30:59 UTC 2021

Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:

> Hi Mike,
> Am 14.10.21 um 17:49 schrieb Mike:
>> Quoting Mike <barjunk at attglobal.net>:
>>> Ralf,
>>> Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>>> <snip>
>>> <>>>>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>>>>>>>> Am 28.09.21 um 02:39 schrieb Mike:
>>>>>>>>>>> I've installed horde using the git version of horde and  
>>>>>>>>>>> have installed the activesync module.
>>>>>>>>>>> Are there other pieces I need to load as well?
>>>>>>>>>>> I would expect that in the administration menu that  
>>>>>>>>>>> ActiveSync would be listed.
>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, when setting permissions, I'd expect it to  
>>>>>>>>>>> also exist there.
>>>>>>>>>>> Probably just don't have all the needed pieces.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for some guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>> If you use ActiveSync in horde-git or horde/composer, you  
>>>>>>>>>> should have all the pieces in place already. You may want  
>>>>>>>>>> to configure a redirect for the well-known URIs to help  
>>>>>>>>>> apps on your mobile to autodetect.
>>> <snip>
>>>>>>>>> I apologize for not being clearer...I made the assumption  
>>>>>>>>> that I'd get similar administrative menu items with the git  
>>>>>>>>> version of horde and I used composer to install the  
>>>>>>>>> ActiveSync module, like this: composer.phar require  
>>>>>>>>> horde/activesync dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0
>>>>>>>>> However, I don't see the permissions for activesync nor the  
>>>>>>>>> activesync menu like I do on my older install.
>>>>>>>> That's interesting. Can you provide screenshots? I'd like to  
>>>>>>>> look into this.
>>> <snip>
>>> I don't get any of the menu items that are related to ActiveSync  
>>> that I have in my older install.
>>> This is still my problem.  I've included the image for your use.
>>> Thanks for taking the time on this.
>>> Mike
>> Thoughts on things to try?
> What kind of error do you get when you actively enter this URL:
> https://yoursite.com/horde/admin/activesync.php

Thanks for push in the right direction.  I'm embarrassed to say I  
didn't enable it in the configuration.  This is what I get for using  
packages that do all the work for you...I've become entitled and lazy.  
:)  To my defense, it has been a while since I've built one from  

Thanks for the guidance!

The steps to figure this out were:

as the admin go to - https://<yoursite.com>/horde/admin/activesync.php

This gave me an error about it not being active.

After I activated it in the configuration and saved it, I then logged  
out and back in again and the ActiveSync menu item appeared as I  

Then I set the permissions as I had in my older setup.

This isn't tested yet, but I believe it will work as before.


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