[thor] Re: [whups] Clients

Carlos Pedrinaci cpedrinaci at yahoo.es
Fri Oct 8 10:21:20 PDT 2004

El vie, 08-10-2004 a las 15:54, Jason M. Felice escribió:
> On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 03:13:26PM +1000, Bo Daley wrote:
> > The ticket page could then query hermes to keep a running total indicating 
> > how much time's gone into it. Whups could even provide reports on average 
> > time spent on tickets.
> This would be very useful for us.  Estimate vs. actual is a big deal,
> and keeping it visible will make sure we have a red flag when something
> starts to go awry.  Also original estimate, actual, and an independent
> estimated remaining entered by the worker would support Scrum.

If we get there linking Hermes with Whups... then Project monitoring
would be greatly simplified for Thor.

This is making me think that it would actually be better for Thor to
generate Whups tickets per Project Tasks instead of linking it to Nag. I
did not see the benefits of one solution over the other before...


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