[thor] Re: I should create a custom.php file in horde/thor/lib/Project

Carlos Pedrinaci cpedrinaci at yahoo.es
Tue Feb 22 07:16:13 PST 2005

El mar, 22-02-2005 a las 06:39 -0600, Edwin L. Culp escribió:

> > So for your case (if I understand you correctly), you would need to
> > define your own kind of Project (if you actually need it) and create the
> > items you require (Items being the components of your project).
> This would start with a new definition in horde/thor/lib/Project, I assume,
> wouldn't it?  Are was I completely confused when I looked at this yesterday?

Yes. You can take the file SampleProject.php as an example :)

> The work flow for this is simple so it shouldn't be a problem for now.  I'm
> trying to look to the future.

If you create your project components (that is, your Items) generic
enough, it would be really easy to reuse them in other cases. This is
basically the rationale behind projects decomposition. Of course, any of
your results and feedback is more than welcome!



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