[trean] quick wish list for trean
Eric Rostetter
Tue Oct 8 20:58:46 2002
My quick wish list for trean. If anything is already in there, sorry.
If anyone agrees with a feature below, but no one wants to code it,
I *might* give it the old college try...
Add a "rating" field for a link so I can rate them for quality, either numeric
or text based (best, good, fair, poor, not rated).
Keywords for searches (in addition to description). So I can locate them
on keywords not in the other fields...
Ability to share bookmarks with others.
A "quick mailto link" to mail a web page you are viewing to someone. It would
work like the "quick add" link that is on the add page. You drag something
to your toolbar, but instead of calling up the trean add page, it pulls up
the IMP compose screen, with the URL of the current page in the text body
and a pre-made subject. This is more of an IMP thing, but the quick link
would better fit on the trean add page with the other quick link.
In the browse/view, another link (besides delete/edit) to mail the link to
someone. Would pop up a IMP compose window with subject like "A link I
thought you might like" and a body like:
I thought you might be interested in this website:
<Link Description>
<Link URL>
<Some standard footer probably appended here>
Saved searches that can be recalled later (low priority).
Well, that's all of the easy/small stuff :) I'll save the really big
requests for another day.
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!