[horde] Turba & IMP 2.3

Hanser, Kevin kevin@merchantinternetgroup.com
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:41:11 -0500

Hmm.... I must've been looking in the wrong directory.  There are files
there, but something still doesn't seem to be working right.
When I click on Contacts from IMP, it just pops up another window that
prompts me to login.  I try using the same username / password that I used
to login to IMP (which is technically a user account on the box), but it
doesn't work.  I've noticed in the docs directory for turba, there's some
.sql create files.  This seems to imply to me that I need to create some
tables for turba to work right...  For a MySql database, do I just need to
use the turba.sql file to create my tables?  The INSTALL file seems to be
blank... is there a writeup of what needs to be done to get Turba working?
Hmmm... I just noticed there's a turba mailing list too, perhaps I should be
posting this to there...

On another note, when I go to http://webserver/horde, I'm prompted to
login... what am I logging into there, and what user table is that form
using to validate users?



-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Hagenbuch [mailto:chuck@horde.org]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 11:54 AM
To: horde@lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [horde] Turba & IMP 2.3

Quoting "Hanser, Kevin" <kevin@merchantinternetgroup.com>:

> Am I correct in assuming Turba doesn't exist yet?  I've just grabbed IMP
> from CVS, and followed the instructions contained w/in... and I notice
> I go to the "contacts" part, it just asks me to login, and that's about
> So I checked the Turba directory (that I had also gotten from CVS), and it
> looks pretty empty... is that correct, or did I fail to download it all?

Can you define "pretty empty"? Turba isn't a full-fledged app yet, but it 
exists, works, and I use it as my contact manager/address book...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist

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