[turba] question about the CVS version

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 09:57:29 -0500

Quoting Ronald Bootsman <ronald@bootsman.net>:

> In which php-file can I add menu items like the add and search button ?
> In the directories of Truba I see the Editobject.php and Deleteobject.php
> files. If these are complete, I want to add them to the application.

If you create a turba/config/menu.txt file with the same format as IMP's, those 
items will be added (warning: the format and name of this file will most likely 
change before release). However, editing and deleting don't really make sense 
as global menu options - both of them require that you pass in a source and an 
object id.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"Live, from Washington, where the doctors were telling us what they did, and
 did not, do with Vice President Cheney." -Dan Rather