[turba] Re: Contact Management
Chuck Hagenbuch
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:57:28 -0400
Quoting James Tavares <jtavares@loa.com>:
> So far, everything normal. Here's the LDAP change... Instead of storing the
> object ids in an attribute, we expand it to a new tree branch:
> To extend the object with group members, use _ONE_ new tree branch (never
> more than one additional level!):
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the new branch? Or do you mean
multiple branches, just one level deep?
> memberObjectOwner: (do I smell future expansion? -- this would be the owner
> of the TARGET member, which is not defined here.)
> This offers the most flexability. What if we in a couple months sourceName
> and sourceID are not unique enough to describe an address book entry?
They always should be. If the owner of an object is part of the uniqueness of
it, then the owner should be included in the key. Keys (objectIDs) should be
completely unique within a source.
> contacts who work for him. He enables the Group as public, and emails it
> (how convient!) instructing his workers to add a group whose sole member is
> his own "Workers" group. This way, whenever he modifies the Workers group,
> all his workers have the latest copy.
If it's public, they should just be able to use it...
This all looks good, except that I don't see the need to store the ownerID in
the group entry.
> I think for the LDAP stuff it may be worthwhile to seperate the "local
> address book" driver from the "public directory" driver.. This would allow
> us to extend the local stuff to be more flexible, while the "public" stays
> standards based (Netcenter, etc..)
Well, since most of the flexibility has to do with how we store things, which
isn't applicable to a public server, I don't see why we can't continue to
support them with the same code...
> Btw.. code is coming Very Soon.
Great! :)
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 10:59:21 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] message composition and addresses
Quoting Ilya <maillist@krel.org>:
> i noticed an oddity though, if i create entry with "()" in name Turba
> doesnt see it, ie Ilya (home), it is in db, but searches dont bring it up.
Confirmed; I have no idea why, but I'll look into it when I have a chance.
Please followup on the turba list.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"When you can't even start, it's time to stop" - Jason
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Subject: Re: [imp] colors
[moving this to the turba list, please join us there]
Quoting Daniel Wittenberg <daniel-wittenberg@starken.com>:
> Unfortunately it didn't fix mine...
I just updated 3 of my installations and they all work now. Can you take a
look in turba/templates/common-header.inc for the <link ... /> line and make
sure it has type="text/css" instead of text="text/css". If it still has text=
then something went wrong with your update.
/// max kalika
// max@the-triumvirate.net
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