Fatal error: Call to undefined function: quote() in /u/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 145

pchytil@asp.ogi.edu pchytil@asp.ogi.edu
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 14:23:53 -0700


I am running RH 7.1 and have installed fresh CVS of everything and Turba is
giving me following error, once I am trying to save new contact:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: quote() in
/usr/local/apache/html/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 145

I am using mysql and I setup table using file in

My /horde/turba/config/sources.php for sql is :
$cfgSources = array();
$cfgSources['localsql'] = array(
    'title' => 'Local SQL',
    'type' => 'sql',
    'params' => array(
        'phptype' => 'mysql',
        'hostspec' => 'localhost',
        'username' => 'xxxxx',
        'password' => 'xxxxx',
        'database' => 'mails',  /* I am using mails instead of horde */
        'options' => '',
        'tty' => '',
        'port' => '5432',
        'protocol' => 'unix',
        'table' => 'Turba_Objects'
    'map' => array(
        '__key' => 'object_ID',
        '__owner' => 'owner_ID',
        'name' => 'name',
        'email' => 'email',
        'homeAddress' => 'homeAddress',
        'workAddress' => 'workAddress',
        'homePhone' => 'homePhone',
        'workPhone' => 'workPhone',
        'cellPhone' => 'cellPhone',
        'fax' => 'fax',
        'title' => 'title',
        'company' => 'company',
        'notes' => 'notes'
    'public' => false,
    'readonly' => false
