[turba] Trouble adding new entry...

Ray Van Dolson vandra@wwc.edu
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:21:20 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Chuck... the var_dump function gave me the info I needed.  It
wasn't connecting to the database, and when I checked my mysql::db table
the username wasn't set to horde, but the password for some reason.
Either the generate script messed up or I did (probably the latter).
Everything is working fine now.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> The one thing I can think of to check is that you might be failing to connect
> to the database for some reason. I'm going to add better error checking for
> cases like this soon - hopefully this week, but no promises since I'm moving -
> but in the mean time, you can go in and do a var_dump($this->db) on the line
> before where it's dying, and see if you have a DB object or a DB_Error.