turba help please

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 20:08:51 +0200


I am trying to hack on an older version of Turba.
I have a very site-specific version and I cannot update the horde-libs
to a newer version.
I am waiting for release so I can put a few days to port the
site-specific stuff to the new version.

Now my question.

I try to make two driver objects in Turba and I have some errors.

Here is my code.
function getDriver($_source){
#just a wrapper to get driver
   global $cfgSources;
   $newdriver = new Turba_Source($_source,

   return $newdriver;

$object = $driver->getObject($HTTP_GET_VARS['key']);
$object2 = $driver2->getObject($HTTP_GET_VARS['key']);  
the last line gives me the following error

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/u1/usr/apache/htdocs/horde/turba/lib/Source.php on line 281

I want to put in some quicklist support (ala HotMail) and also group
support but I am stuck at this one.

thanks for any help.


Atif Ghaffar
Internet Development Manager
4unet AG/SA/Ltd.
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