[turba] List all entries ?

Rick Romero Rick@valeoinc.com
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:50:31 -0500

On 20 Aug 2001, at 19:21, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Frederic Trudeau <ftrudeau@CAM.ORG>:
> > isnt there a function to list all entries in the addressbook ?
> You just volunteered to write it. How are you going to handle Bigfoot? ;)
with ldap_search_s of course :)

It's been a few years, I don't even remember what the _s stands for, 
but If I remember right, you can tell the LDAP server to get *, first 
20 entries.  it's not dynamic(ldap_search), where you print out the 
entries as you recieve them from the server, the server gathers 
them all, then sends them back

But a quick glance at php.net doesn't show 2 different ldap_search 
functions.  Ahh synchronous.  (developer.novell.com - search for 
ldap_search)  But I can't pull any of the actual docs...

In any case, unless I'm wrong (which has never been proven here), 
there might be a few items that can be added to php to help LDAP 

> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> Some fallen angels have their good reasons.
> -- 
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Rick Romero

IT Manager
Valeo, Inc.