[turba] attributes - help

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 11:03:38 -0400

Quoting Terry Davis <tdavis@birddog.com>:

> I see 3 different places where attribute names can come into play.
> config/attributes.php
> config/sources.php
> templates/display/display.inc
> Where do I put attributes I want to include in the display?  I don't 
> necessarily want to be able to search by these attributes just display their 
> contents should the entry get called.
> For instance, I want:
> $attributes['businessCategory'] = _("Department");
> $attributes['postalAddress'] = _("Work Address");
> $attributes['telephoneNumber'] = _("Work Phone");
> $attributes['mobile'] = _("Mobile Phone");
> $attributes['facsimileTelephoneNumber'] = _("Fax");
> those added to the display.  What do I have to do to accomplish this?

You need them in all three places. You need them in attributes.php so that Turba
will know how to lable them; you need them in sources.php so that Turba will
know where to find that field in your backend. You need them in display.inc so
that they're displayed. ;)


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.