[turba] Pb with 'Local SQL'

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:56:27 +0200

Zitat von Eric Piollet <eric.piollet@chpyr.aquisante.fr>:

> I want to have an personnal annuary for each imap users and a général ldap
> annuary :
> For the LDAP : all is OK
> For the local SQL : wrong user and passwd
> -->I don't understand how to config users and passwd to have for each imap
> users their own annuary ???

You don't need a user and password for each imp/imap user.
The user/passwd asked here is the one that has access to the sql database where 
turba stores the addresses. Turba itself takes care of the user management.


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