[turba] Edit OpenLDAP address book

Meile Andreas Andreas.Meile@onsite.ch
Wed, 22 May 2002 17:32:25 +0200

Dear Turba users

I recently installed Turba together with IMP (stable 3.1 version) on a SuSE
Linux 7.3 Professional box together with the "openldap2" package. According
to http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin/quickstart.html I setup a test
environment with rootdn user and with the "inetorgperson.schema" (shipped
with OpenLDAP) and created some fictive person objects using LDIF and
"ldapadd". After that, according to
http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin/quickstart.html I setup Horde, IMP and

To be able access to my LDAP directory, I added a section

$cfgSources['onsiteLDAP'] = array(
    'title' => 'My own LDAP directory',
    'type' => 'ldap',
    'params' => array(
        'server' => 'localhost',
        'port' => 389,
        'root' => 'dc=onsite,dc=ch',
        'username' => 'cn=Manager',
        'password' => 'secret',
        'dn' => array('cn'),
        'objectclass' => 'person',
        'filter' => ''
    'map' => array(
        '__key' => 'dn',
        'name' => 'cn',
        'email' => 'mail',
        'alias' => 'givenname'
    'search' => array(
        'alias' => 'givenname'
    'search' => array(
    'strict' => array(
    'public' => false,
    'readonly' => false,
    'export' => false

to the /usr/horde/turba/config/sources.php file. This address book works
fine when I try to search people in it, but when I wish to add an entry,
then I get an error message

"There was an error adding this object. Contact your system administrator
for further help."

on the Web browser after submit the HTML form containing the new record.

I increased the slapd's loglevel to 440 and get the following output:

May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: new connection on 9
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: conn=4 fd=9 connection from
IP=::1 33498 (IP=:: 34049) accepted.
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: added 9r
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: select: listen=6
active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:  9r
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: read activity on 9
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23788]: conn=4 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23788]: conn=4 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: select: listen=6
active_threads=1 tvp=NULL
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:  9r
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: read activity on 9
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23789]: conn=4 op=1 ADD dn="CN=MARKUS
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23789]: Entry (cn=Markus
Niedermeier,dc=onsitech,dc=ch): object class 'person' requires attribute
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23789]: conn=4 op=1 RESULT tag=105 err=65
text=object class 'person' requires attribute 'sn'
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: select: listen=6
active_threads=1 tvp=NULL
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:  9r
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]:
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: read activity on 9
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23788]: conn=4 op=2 UNBIND
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23788]: daemon: removing 9
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23788]: conn=-1 fd=9 closed
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: select: listen=6
active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
May 22 17:20:12 labor3 slapd[23787]: daemon: select: listen=6
active_threads=0 tvp=NULL

It would be nice if somebody could point me out how to modify
/usr/horde/turba/config/sources.php or /etc/openldap/slapd.conf or some
other configuration file to get the edit address book feature to work.

Any assistance are appreciated. :-)

Andreas Meile, Abt. Systementwicklung, Tel. direkt: +41 52 260 34 94
onsite solutions ag, Archstrasse 2, CH-8401 Winterthur (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 52 260 34 70 Fax +41 52 214 07 80
e-Mail: info@onsite.ch WWW: http://www.onsite.ch/