[turba] Redirection limit for this URL exceeded

Patrick Boutilier boutilpj at ednet.ns.ca
Sat Jul 13 12:56:54 PDT 2002

I ran into the same problem and I narrowed it down to line 23 of index.php

$uri = $prefs->getValue('initial_page');

$uri returns nothing(blank) even though the following is set in prefs.php

// the page to display.  Either 'browse.php' or 'search.php'
$_prefs['initial_page'] = array(
     'value' => 'browse.php',
     'locked' => false,
     'shared' => false,
     'type' => 'enum',
     'desc' => _("View to display by default:"),
     'enum' => array('browse.php' => _("Address Book Listing"),
                     'search.php' => _("Search"))

I got around the problem by adding this line as line 28 in index.php. 
Not a real solution but works for now.

$uri = 'browse.php';

> Hello,
> I just installed Turba with Horde and IMP.
> But when I click the addressbook button, I'm receiving an error message 
> (pop-up) :'Redirection limit for this URL exceeded'.
> So I suppose that I configured something wrong. Does somewhone knows 
> what can solve this problem?
> rgrds,
>        Bart

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