[turba] contact ownership issue

Patrick Boutilier boutilpj@ednet.ns.ca
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 21:20:56 -0300

Are user, User, and USER all the same account? (case-insensitive login)

I ran into a similar situation where the users were authenticating 
against a MySql database so they could login in as user or USER (etc..) 
but the Cyrus IMAP server would only show them their mail if they logged 
on correctly as user (all lower case).

To get around that problem I made the pam_mysql pam module make the 
login case sensitive.

jlewis@lewis.org wrote:
> I just ran into an interesting contact ownership issue in turba-1.1.
> Suppose a user logs into IMP as user and creates some contacts.  Later, 
> they log in as User and create a few more.  Then later, they log in as 
> USER.  Logged in as USER, they see all contacts created by user and User, 
> but turba doesn't think they own the contacts, so they can't edit/delete 
> them.
> Is there anything wrong with doing the following:
> --- lib/AbstractObject.php.orig Tue Aug  6 19:17:01 2002
> +++ lib/AbstractObject.php      Tue Aug  6 19:24:25 2002
> @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
>          if ($this->source->readonly) {
>              return false;
>          } else if ($this->hasValue('__owner') &&
> -                   $this->getValue('__owner') != Auth::getAuth()) {
> +                   (strcasecmp($this->getValue('__owner'),Auth::getAuth()))) {
>              return false;
>          }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*|  I route
>  System Administrator        |  therefore you are
>  Atlantic Net                |  
> _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________