[turba] the conf.php file is not available from turba-cvs.

Ibarra, Michael m.ibarra@cdcixis-na.com
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 12:36:28 -0400

Look for a thread regarding xml and/or dom. You need to go to
the "Configuration" icon within Horde, whose icon seems to have
disappeared, and choose AddressBook, followed by a Generate. 
These actions create a conf.php for you. 


-----Original Message-----
From: B. Ash [mailto:bash@twignation.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:55 AM
To: turba@lists.horde.org
Subject: [turba] the conf.php file is not available from turba-cvs.


I have been using turba-cvs in the past.  Now when I cvs co the module I 
recieve many files except for the conf.php.

any ideas what this means, also I do receive a file called conf.xml


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