[turba] feature request

Andrew Morgan morgan@orst.edu
Wed Oct 9 06:08:55 2002

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Andrew Morgan <morgan@orst.edu>:
> > Attached is a patch against Turba v1.1.  This is a fairly trivial patch
> > because the support is already there in php's ldap module to set a
> > sizelimit.  I have tested this on our local setup in a limited fashion
> > without difficulty.
> SQL support? This needs to be implemented in every driver or done above the
> driver level.
> -chuck

Most people I know are doing large directories in ldap, not sql.

I think this limit would have to be done in every driver, because you
don't know ahead of time how many entries will be returned by a given
search.  Also, I don't think any other method is effective for the ldap
case.  Unless you are using a callback function to handle the results of
the search (can you do that in php?), a call to ldap_search() doesn't
return until the entire result set is fetched from the server.  Not much
help when that operation itself takes several minutes.  :)

I know mysql supports the LIMIT keyword to control the size of
the result set, but I'm fairly certain Oracle doesn't.  Even then, I don't
know if the mysql server still does the full query but only returns the
first x records, or if it actually stops internally after x records.

There are other ldap-only connection options in sources.php (bind user,
bind password, search base)...
